Employees, owners and guests of honor of the Kirchdorf cement plant celebrated the 135th anniversary of the traditional company on May 12, 2023.

At the anniversary celebration, Managing Director Erich Frommwald welcomed not only the workforce, the supervisory board members and the shareholders of the cement plant, but also the district governor of the Kirchdorf district administration, the mayors of the municipalities of Kirchdorf, Schlierbach and Micheldorf and representatives of the social partnership (local representatives of the Upper Austrian Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Labor).

Kirchdorfer Zementwerk has always been able to take on all challenges and turn them into opportunities for extremely dynamic development. We have always tried to live our values and the high standards of our corporate culture. Above all, it has always been important to us to treat our employees and neighbors with respect. Because it is the people who have helped write our success story“, Frommwald said.

Eva Hofmann, co-owner of the cement plant, also thanked the employees for their commitment and loyalty, some of which has lasted for generations. „The Kirchdor cement plant is my lifeblood, and I am delighted that the fifth and sixth generations of the two founding families are still sitting at the table together today.


The Kirchdorf cement plant has a long tradition of good relations with the local population, politicians and interest groups – as was also expressed in the speeches by District Governor Elisabeth Leitner and Doris Staudinger (WKOÖ). „Especially today, on this anniversary day, you can feel the high status that the Kirchdorf cement plant has in the province of Upper Austria“, CEO Erich Frommwald added. „As a landmark of the region, it has helped shape the region with its high-quality cement, innovative ideas for resource-conserving and environmentally friendly production and, above all, with its employees and apprentices“, said Leitner.


In recognition, Erich Frommwald received the “JULIUS Award” from the Upper Austrian Business Association from the hands of District Deputy Chairman Kirchdorf, Doris Staudinger. This award is presented to outstanding companies and entrepreneurs in Upper Austria.


On July 24, 1888, the company “Portland-Cementwerk Kirchdorf, Hofmann & Comp.” was officially entered in the commercial register. While the cement plant and the associated quarry initially formed the group, a regional energy supplier was founded in 1908 with the Steyrdurchbruch hydroelectric power plant. The spun concrete plant in Micheldorf was built in the middle of the economic crisis in 1933. In 1984, the takeover of MABA Betonwaren Gesellschaft m.b.H. & Co. KG, the major diversification of the Group began. The acquisition of a stake in the Czech company Kámen a písek (1992) laid the foundation for today’s internationally active raw materials division. In 2019, “Kirchdorfer Road & Traffic” around DELTABLOC was spun off from the precast division and has since formed the fourth division ROAD & TRAFFIC alongside CEMENT, MINERALS, CONCRETE SOLUTIONS.

Today, the group consists of 50 individual companies in 14 countries with 2000 employees and a turnover of almost € 400 million.

Doris Staudinger, Deputy District Chairman of the Kirchdorf Business Association, presented the “JULIUS Award” – an award for outstanding companies in Upper Austria – to Eva Hofmann, co-owner of the cement plant, and to Managing Director Erich Frommwald.
Celebration with birthday cake: (from left) Margarete Machanek, Managing Director Erich Frommwald and Eva Hofmann celebrated the anniversary of the traditional family business with a fitting cake.
The lion has accompanied the Kirchdorf Group since the founding of the company
“Portland-Cementwerk Kirchdorf, Hofmann & Comp.” on July 24, 1888.



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