
Kirchdorfer Management

135 years of experience, innovation and sustainability

With over 135 years of experience, we have shown that customer-oriented innovations and smart investments are our strengths. Our strong corporate culture enables us to operate stably even in challenging markets. The Kirchdorfer management places a special focus on sustainability and continuous employee development.

We are determined to actively shape the future.

Management of the Kirchdorfer Group

Erich Frommwald

Mag. Erich Frommwald

From 2004 to 2021, Erich Frommwald managed the group as the sole CEO; since 2025, the Kirchdorfer Group has been led jointly by three people.

In addition to his successful entrepreneurial activities, the Styrian-born manager also provides his expertise in the service of business representation, including on the trade representation and trade association committee of the stone and ceramics industry as well as on the board of the Association of the Austrian Cement Industry and the Upper Austrian Federation of Industry.

“The expertise and motivation of the people who work here still form the indispensable basis for our growth to this day.”

As Chairman of the Energy and Climate Strategy Group and energy spokesman for Upper Austrian industry, he is jointly responsible for an industry-friendly energy and climate policy in Upper Austria.

Joao Paulo Pereira da Silva

The experienced mechanical engineer and Master of Business Administration has been a member of the Kirchdorfer Group’s management team since October 2022. As Chief Strategy Officer and member of the steering committee, his current focus is on the sustainability strategy and the Road & Traffic and Construction Minerals division. Pereira already worked at Kirchdorfer Zementwerk, the Group’s founding company, from 2015 to 2020. Initially as Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board, later as Co-Managing Director alongside Erich Frommwald.

Pereira has extensive international management experience in the cement industry, including at Lafarge in Brazil, France and Chile. In addition to his professional activities, he is passionate about soccer and sees his current position as an opportunity to further develop the Kirchdorfer Group’s success story.

“A strategy is nothing more than a plan to win the game,” explains Pereira.

Michael Wardian Portrait 800x1000px

Mag. Michael Wardian

As a qualified business economist, Michael Wardian has been with the Kirchdorfer Group since June 2003. Initially, he served as the Head of Controlling at MABA Fertigteilindustrie GmbH and later as the CFO of the Kirchdorfer Group until 2016. Since 2013, he has been the Managing Director of Kirchdorfer Fertigteilholding GmbH, the largest division of the company in terms of revenue and personnel.

After becoming the Deputy Managing Director of the group in 2016, he has now ascended to the group’s management board in 2022.

“My focus lies in the healthy growth of the group. As leaders in many areas, we have a special responsibility to significantly shape the sustainable future of the construction industry—from ecological footprint and necessary digitalization to the social responsibility of our corporate group,” explains Wardian.

Since 2019, he has been a member of the European BIBM Board for the precast concrete industry, and since June 2023, Wardian has been the President of the Association for Austrian Precast Concrete (VÖB). His goal is to reposition the unique advantages of mineral construction with precast components and let the facts speak for themselves.


Cornelia Spieß

Kirchdorfer Platz 1
A-2752 Wöllersdorf
T: +43 5 7715 101 204

Chief Financial Officer

Ing. Mag. Thomas Pommerening, MBA

Thomas Pommerening is Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the Kirchdorfer Group and Kirchdorf Group Services GmbH. In 2005, the financial expert began his career in controlling at what is now Kirchdorfer Group Services GmbH, Kirchdorfer’s shared services. In the following years, he built up the Group’s reporting and risk management and headed up internal auditing until 2013.

After three years as Head of Risk Management at Austrian Post AG, he returned to the Kirchdorfer Group as the new CFO in January 2017.

As CFO, he will contribute his extensive know-how and many years of experience to the Kirchdorfer Group’s finance department in order to further advance the company’s goals and ensure the Group’s success.


Cornelia Spieß (Assistance CFO)

Kirchdorfer Platz 1
A-2752 Wöllersdorf
T: +43 5 7715 101 204

Division Management


Joao Paulo Pereira da Silva

Cornelia Heim (Division assistance)
Hofmannstrasse 4
A-4560 Kirchdorf

T: +43 5 7715 200 413
F: +43 5 7715 200 466


Joao Paulo Pereira da Silva

Verena List (Division assistance)
Kirchdorfer Platz 1
A-2752 Wöllersdorf

T: +43 5 7715 400 111
F: +43 5 7715 400 282 111


Michael Wardian

Manuela Grill (Division assistance)
Kirchdorfer Platz 1
A-2752 Wöllersdorf


Thomas Edl

Bmstr. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. tech. Thomas Edl

Martina Liegle (Division assistance)
Kirchdorfer Platz 2
A-2752 Wöllersdorf

T: +43 5 7715 470 0
F: +43 5 7715 470 474




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Want to find out if you’re a fit for us? Take the test now!

Do you enjoy sharing your knowledge with others?

Did you know that we use recycled car tires in cement production?

The motto here is ‘Recycling old tires instead of disposing of them.’ In Ohlsdorf, Upper Austria, the only used tire recycling plant in Austria is located. Kias Recycling GmbH, a joint venture between ART and the Kirchdorfer Group, supplies this valuable alternative fuel for our cement plant. This plant is renowned globally for its cleanest cement production.


Do you like to think outside the box?

Do you believe that we manufacture stairs for fish?

Fish ladders assist fish in overcoming barriers such as dams or hydroelectric power plants. The unique Kirchdorfer fish passage system is a clever prefabricated system, much like LEGO blocks. In Austria, it has been used to build the highest fish passage in Europe.


Construction sites and a hammer in hand are totally your thing?

Did you know that we are part of the largest photovoltaic facade system in Austria?

In 2023, our joint venture Martini Beton renovated its office building. The exterior transformation resulted in an integrated PV facade that annually produces environmentally friendly solar power equivalent to the energy consumption of around 50 single-family homes.


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