Facts about Kirchdorfer Concrete Solutions
The complete supplier for precast concrete parts!
We offer a comprehensive selection of precast concrete parts throughout Austria. The companies and their products from the fields of building construction & industrial construction, civil engineering, railroads, roads and tunnels are among the pioneers in their sector. Innovative system solutions and their wide range of applications exploit the full potential of concrete as a material.

Michael Wardian
Manuela Grill (Division assistance)
Kirchdorfer Platz 1
A-2752 Wöllersdorf
T: +43 5 7715 101 0
F: +43 5 7715 400 130
E: concrete.solutions@kirchdorfer.eu
Our Reference Projects
Our companies
Katzenberger Fertigteilindustrie GmbH, Austria
Precast concrete parts
MABA Fertigteilindustrie GmbH, Austria
Concrete system components
MABA Montagebau GmbH, Austria
Assembly of MABA prefabricated parts
MMK Holz-Beton Fertigteile GmbH, Austria
Industrially prefabricated composite components
Rauter Fertigteilbau GmbH, Austria
Concrete elements and special parts for residential and industrial construction
Environment, sewer, drainage & traffic
TSF-A GmbH, Austria
Turnout concrete sleepers
BETRA Prefabrike San.ve Tic.A.S, Turkey
Reinforced concrete sleepers
MABA Hungaria Kft., Hungary
Prestressed concrete sleepers
MABA Prefa spol. s.r.o., Czech Republic
Precast prestressed and reinforced concrete parts, containers, weighbridges, angular retaining walls
Správa nemovitostí Kirchdorfer CZ s.r.o., Czech Republic
Real estate