The patented fish ladder system from Austrian precast manufacturer MABA Fertigteilindustrie GmbH, part of the Kirchdorfer Group, has already established itself throughout the DACH region with around 100 installations over the years. With a new installation at the Swiss Obermühle power plant, the modular precast system is now enjoying renewed success with its Swiss neighbors.

With numerous installations – particularly along the Drau in Carinthia with its steep gradient – the MABA enature® fish pass system is now a widespread institution in Austria. In southern Germany and South Tyrol, too, the prefabricated system has been used for years, which radically reduces the flow velocity of the water in a fish ladder with multiple, staggered “slots”. This enables the fish to ascend with comparative ease and has a positive effect on the energy balance and operating costs of the power plant, as the low flow velocities only require a relatively low water dosage.

Fishpass Obermühle Power Station
At the Obermühle power plant in the Swiss canton of Zug, Fernando Binder (fmb-ingenieure.ch) used the enature® fish pass system 2023 to create a fish ladder that is adapted to the limited space available and is even 2-storey high in places.
With significantly reduced flow rates, the “multiple-slot” principle ensures effortless fish ascents with minimized water dotation.



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Do you enjoy sharing your knowledge with others?

Did you know that we use recycled car tires in cement production?

The motto here is ‘Recycling old tires instead of disposing of them.’ In Ohlsdorf, Upper Austria, the only used tire recycling plant in Austria is located. Kias Recycling GmbH, a joint venture between ART and the Kirchdorfer Group, supplies this valuable alternative fuel for our cement plant. This plant is renowned globally for its cleanest cement production.


Do you like to think outside the box?

Do you believe that we manufacture stairs for fish?

Fish ladders assist fish in overcoming barriers such as dams or hydroelectric power plants. The unique Kirchdorfer fish passage system is a clever prefabricated system, much like LEGO blocks. In Austria, it has been used to build the highest fish passage in Europe.


Construction sites and a hammer in hand are totally your thing?

Did you know that we are part of the largest photovoltaic facade system in Austria?

In 2023, our joint venture Martini Beton renovated its office building. The exterior transformation resulted in an integrated PV facade that annually produces environmentally friendly solar power equivalent to the energy consumption of around 50 single-family homes.


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