Noise protection along transport routes is becoming increasingly important. In the ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG network, too, numerous noise protection installations have been implemented in recent years – both in new construction projects and in the renovation of existing ones. Kirchdorfer Concrete Solutions, a division of the Kirchdorfer Group, has been a long-standing partner to ÖBB in this area. The Kirchdorfer wood-concrete noise barriers have been awarded the enature seal of quality.

As the lead company of Kirchdorfer Concrete Solutions, MABA Fertigteilindustrie GmbH, which celebrates its 100th anniversary in 2024, has been a partner of Austrian Federal Railways for decades – from sleepers and platform edges to catenary masts. The precast producer is experiencing strong growth in the area of noise protection in particular: MABA was the first manufacturer in Austria to receive approval for its PHONOBLOC® wood-concrete noise protection panels for high-speed lines.

“The trend towards sustainable and, above all, long-lasting noise protection installations is massive,” explains Michael Wardian, Managing Director of the Kirchdorfer Group: “In the last three years alone, we have realized over 48,000 m2 of noise protection installations for ÖBB. By investing millions in a state-of-the-art, robot-assisted system at our main plant in Wöllersdorf, we are ideally equipped to meet increasing demand in the future.”


ÖBB is investing around EUR 500 million in the double-track expansion of the Pottendorf line between the Vienna city limits and Wampersdorf alone. In 2019, ÖBB Infrastruktur AG and MABA already implemented park-and-ride facilities at the new Münchendorf station as well as optimal noise protection with noise protection installations up to 6 meters high. A total of 22,000 m2 of PHONOBLOC® HB noise barriers were also used in the follow-up project around Ebreichsdorf station – a section of track that will go into operation at the beginning of September 2023. As part of the project finale, the construction of the new Wampersdorf station will also begin shortly – again with noise protection installations from the neighboring precast plant in Wöllersdorf.


There are currently almost 1,000 km of noise protection installations along ÖBB’s almost 10,000 km rail network. Noise barriers also have a limited service life and need to be replaced. For this reason, ÖBB-Infrastruktur AG will be replacing a number of old noise barriers over the coming years with durable, fully recyclable noise barriers from Kirchdorfer. At Warmbad Villach, for example, 1,000 m² of wooden noise barriers will soon be removed and replaced with PHONOBLOC® wood-concrete barriers. In Upper Austria, too, a weathered wooden wall with an area of around 6,100 m² is currently being replaced in the Traun-Hörsching section.



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Did you know that we use recycled car tires in cement production?

The motto here is ‘Recycling old tires instead of disposing of them.’ In Ohlsdorf, Upper Austria, the only used tire recycling plant in Austria is located. Kias Recycling GmbH, a joint venture between ART and the Kirchdorfer Group, supplies this valuable alternative fuel for our cement plant. This plant is renowned globally for its cleanest cement production.


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Do you believe that we manufacture stairs for fish?

Fish ladders assist fish in overcoming barriers such as dams or hydroelectric power plants. The unique Kirchdorfer fish passage system is a clever prefabricated system, much like LEGO blocks. In Austria, it has been used to build the highest fish passage in Europe.


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Did you know that we are part of the largest photovoltaic facade system in Austria?

In 2023, our joint venture Martini Beton renovated its office building. The exterior transformation resulted in an integrated PV facade that annually produces environmentally friendly solar power equivalent to the energy consumption of around 50 single-family homes.


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