The Kirchdorfer Zementwerk is committed to preserving nature and promoting biodiversity in the region. As part of a new traffic concept, the existing meadow orchard at Kirchdorfer Zementwerk was redesigned and expanded with old tree varieties. The project was supported by the local landscape conservation association “Bergman(n)dl” and majority owner Eva Hofmann.

As part of the design of the new traffic guidance system at the Kirchdorf cement works site, space had to be created for a soakaway for the targeted drainage of surface water. This step required the removal of some trees in the company’s own orchard.

“We didn’t want to be satisfied with this purely technical solution. “, says Managing Director Erich Frommwald. “Instead, we are pursuing a holistic approach that focuses on ecological aspects.”

In close cooperation with the local landscape conservation association “Bergma(n)dl”, seeds and seedlings of rare plant species worthy of protection were planted in the soakaway to promote biodiversity. This project was fully supported by the majority owner Eva Hofmann.

The great-great-granddaughter of Kirchdorf’s founding father Adolf Hofmann not only placed great importance on preserving the orchard, but also on maintaining and expanding the garden. “Nature and naturalness are important, we have to make sure that old orchards are preserved. It’s nice when employees can enjoy fruit from the company’s own orchard and we can bring a bit of nature into the industry!” emphasized Eva Hofmann.

Another highlight of this commitment is the nature partnership between the landscape conservation association “Bergma(n)dl” and the Kirchdorfer Zementwerk, which was recently awarded the Lions Club’s sustainability prize. This award recognizes the successful cooperation and the joint project “Nature Sponsorship”, which aims to promote biodiversity and sustainable action.

Picture credits: Reproduction free of charge with attribution © Fessl/Kirchdorfer

© Fessl/Kirchdorfer: From left to right: Production Manager Roland Kammerhuber, Maria Christina Habsburg-Lothringen, Eva Hofmann, Werner Bejvl from “Bergmandl”, Plant Manager Christian Breitenbaumer
© Fessl/Kirchdorfer: Plant manager Christian Breitenbaumer and production manager Roland Kammerhuber, as well as majority owner Eva Hofmann and her daughter Maria Christina Habsburg-Lothringen were actively involved in the planting and enjoyed the project.



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