Neben dem bisherigen Geschäftsführer Mag. Erich Frommwald ist ab sofort auch Mag. Michael Wardian, Geschäftsführer der Kirchdorfer Fertigteilholding GmbH, für die Geschicke des Baustoffkonzerns zuständig.

Since the beginning of the year, Hofmann Holding GmbH – the operating company of the Kirchdorfer Group – has been managed by two managing directors. In addition to Erich Frommwald, who has been the sole managing director of the Group since 2004, Michael Wardian was appointed as the second managing director. A dual leadership was essential due to the size and complexity of the company, which now consists of several divisions and over 50 individual companies.

The Kirchdorfer Group has a total of almost 2,000 employees in 13 countries and is active in the fields of cement, raw materials, precast concrete parts and road safety. It has been in the hands of the two founding families since the Kirchdorfer Zementwerk was established in 1888 and has been successfully managed by Erich Frommwald since 2004. In line with the continuous development of the Group, personnel decisions within the Group are made on a very long-term basis. Due to the size and complexity of the Group, which now consists of several dozen individual companies, the holding company has been managed jointly by Erich Frommwald and Michael Wardian since the beginning of the year.

Michael Wardian (50) has been working for the Kirchdorfer Group since June 2003. The qualified business economist initially worked as Head of Controlling at MABA Fertigteilindustrie GmbH and as Commercial Director of Kirchdorfer Industries GmbH. Since 2013, as Managing Director of Kirchdorfer Fertigteilholding GmbH, he has been responsible for the fortunes of Kirchdorfer Concrete Solutions – the company’s largest division in terms of turnover and personnel. He is therefore ideally equipped to set the future course of the Group.

„My focus is on the further growth of the Group, which we want to secure in depth with ecological, social and, of course, technological expertise. As the market leader in many areas, we have a special responsibility to play a key role in shaping the sustainable future of the construction industry – from the ecological footprint and ongoing digitalization to the social responsibility of our group of companies,“ explains Wardian.

Over the coming years, the Mödling native will focus in particular on further expanding the sustainability of the Kirchdorfer Group – a process that has already been firmly established in the precast holding company in particular. He is particularly keen to get more women interested in technical professions in the industry and to promote the continuous training of employees.

Erich Frommwald (60) is looking forward to working together in the Group management: „Michael Wardian has been responsible for the impressive and economically sustainable development of our precast division with great commitment, expertise and vision and has made a good name for himself on the Austrian precast market. Having been working on long-term succession planning for many years, I am confident that Michael Wardian will be able to meet the demands placed on him in the best possible way.“

In the interests of continuous company management, the succession for Erich Frommwald is already being planned for the long term.

Bildnachweis: Abdruck honorarfrei bei Nennung © Furgler, © Postl

Mag. Erich Frommwald
ist seit 1994 für die Kirchdorfer Gruppe tätig. Der gebürtige Leobner trat nach seinem Studium der Betriebswirtschaftslehre und einer ersten Tätigkeit für die steirischen Montanwerke als Assistent des langjährigen geschäftsführenden Gesellschafters Max Machanek in die Kirchdorfer Gruppe ein. Maßgeblich in die nationale und internationale Expansion der Firmengruppe involviert, übernahm er nach dem Ableben von Machanek im Jahr 2004 die Leitung der Unternehmensgruppe und setzte den Wachstumskurs seither mit großem Erfolg fort.
© Furgler
Mag. Michael Wardian
trat nach seinem BWL-Studium an der Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien und einer Tätigkeit als Senior SAP Consultant im Jahr 2003 zunächst als Controller in die MABA Fertigteilindustrie GmbH ein, von wo er 2006 in die konzernübergreifende Kirchdorfer Industries GmbH wechselte. Seine Agenden umfassten die Bereiche Finanz, Controlling, Personal, EDV, Mergers & Aquisitions sowie Qualitäts- und Risikomanagement. Seit Jänner 2013 ist er Geschäftsführer der Kirchdorfer Fertigteilholding.
© Postl



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